How to be the best human being anyone will ever know
By Kevin McAleer
6 July 2014 Project Management Secrets Team Management Techniques Tips Tools
I’ve just finished writing the chapter on “How to be the best human being anyone will ever know” – Or managing your team.
The chapter contains:
- How to manipulate people – the secret technique you want to know.
- The real secret weapon (cake)
- Managing people
- Why structure is important
- The obscured opacity of organic solutions (clear as mud)
- Managing stakeholders – other peoples priorities are now yours (if you want it to work)
- Tools – OGSM & Smart, pure and clear
Here’s a snippet:
How to manipulate people – the secret technique you want to know.
There are techniques you can learn to manipulate people. These techniques include getting into ‘rapport’ with people, mirroring their actions, body language and speech patterns (known as pacing and leading). The idea behind rapport is that if people think you are like them, they will tend to like you more and therefore you can influence them easier. Sales people try to get ‘into rapport’ with potential clients. Rapport is fine if the relationship you need to form with people last only minutes, or hours at best. Its unsustainable to keep up a façade like this for days, months or even years. As a project manager you need a better technique to influence people.